Category Archives: Clarivo

Parkinson’s disease | Symptoms | Risk Factors | Causes

Parkinson's disease | Symptoms | Risk Factors | Causes

Parkinson’s disease Overview Parkinson’s disease is an ameliorative disease of the nervous system that affects momentum. Symptoms begin slowly and sometimes begin with an eye tremor that is barely controlled with one hand. Vibrations are common, but disturbances usually cause stiffness and slower movements. In the early stages of Parkinson’s, you may hardly see facial […]

What is Retrograde ejaculation?

Retrograde ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation In men, both urine and ejaculation pass through the urethra. Muscles around the neck or bladder sphincter help hold urine until it’s ready. During orgasm, these same muscles contract and prevent ejaculation from entering the bladder. Let it flow from the tip of the penis through the urethra. This muscle does not contract […]

Vitamin B-12 | Symptoms of Deficiency | Benefits

Vitamin B-12 Rich Foods

What Is Vitamin B-12? Vitamin B-12, like all other B vitamins, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it can dissolve in water and pass through the bloodstream. The human body can absorb vitamin B-12 for up to 4 years. Excess or unnecessary vitamin B12 is excreted in the urine. It can only be produced […]

How do you deal with sexual anxiety in the first place?

sexual anxiety

Your state of mind dramatically affects your ability to wake up before your first sexual encounter. And if you are with someone you find sexually desirable, it may be difficult for you to do so since you can satisfy your partner with your behavior in bed.One of the consequences of stress hormones and nerves is […]

What is the immune system?

Immune system

Immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that protect the body from infection. The immune system keeps a record of all the germs (micro-organisms) it has killed so far, so it can quickly recognize and destroy microbes when they re-enter the body. Immune system abnormalities can cause allergic, immunodeficient, and autoimmune diseases. […]

What’s wrong with digestive system?

Digestive system

Digestive system Digestive system is a complicated and vast part of the body. Continue from mouth to anus. Digestion helps your body absorb essential nutrients and is responsible for eliminating waste. Digestive issues can mean more than just unwanted symptoms. This is Minor problems left to untreated can lead serious chronic illnesses. There are so […]

What is Partial Blindness?

Partial blindness

Partial Blindness Since most people are afraid of going blind for some reason, visit an ophthalmologist in Miami Beach. To many optical conditions that can make people blind, as well as many conditions that can impair your vision to the point that you cannot see effectively. It is said that people who know objects and […]

What are the causes of joint pain?

Joint pain

Joint Pain Joint pain can be caused by injury to any ligament, sacrum, or tendon that surrounds the joint. Injuries can also affect the ligaments, cartilage, and bones of the joints. Pain is common with joint inflammation (arthritis and arthritis, such as arthritis) and infection, and there are few causes of joint cancer. Joint pain […]

What is depression?


Depression Depression is part of everyday life, but if feelings like hopelessness and despair calm down and continue, chances are you will become depressed. Depression alters your thinking, the way you think and act in your daily life, as well as simple sadness, which is the answer to life’s problems and frustrations. It can affect […]