About Dark Urine
Dark urine is darker in color than yellow urine, usually made from straw. Dark urine comes in a variety of colors but is usually brown, dark yellow, or reddish brown. Urine is produced by the kidneys.
When you drink water or food, it flows from digestion to the circulatory system and kidneys, where it is filtered. Subsequently, the kidneys excrete waste products and excess water in the urine.
The ureter is the tube that connects the kidneys and the bladder. The bladder drains urine through the urethra, which is the urinary tract.
Urine is usually clear, pale yellow in color. However, eating certain foods or taking certain medications can change the color of your urine. Substances that can darken urine due to urine discoloration include carotene, food dyes, beets, blackberries, relaxants, B vitamins, and medications such as pyrosoma.
If there is bleeding in the urine, the urine may appear dark. Several causes of hematuria (infection, stones, cancer, trauma, kidney disease, etc.) can contribute to dark urine. With a urinary tract infection, the urine may appear dark or cloudy. Jaundice, which is characterized by abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the blood, is caused by liver disease or obstruction of the outflow of bile pigments (due to pancreatic head disease, bile duct disease, or disease of the ducts biliary), as well as darkening of the urine. It can be related. Regardless of your diet and medications, it is recommended that you consult your doctor for any changes in the shape of your urine.
Symptoms & Signs
Urine Odor
Blood In Urine
Cloudy Urine
Other Causes of dark urine
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Bile Duct Cancer
Bladder Stones
Dietary Factors
Goodpasture’s Syndrome
Hemolytic Anemia
Medications (Both Prescription and Nonprescription)
Viral Hepatitis
Diagnosis and treatment
If you don’t do this due to dehydration or if you develop dark urine, which is a side effect of the drug, you should get a full evaluation from your doctor. They need your detailed medical history and you need a physical test and urinalysis.
For urinalysis, take at least 2 ounces of a urine sample. A lab checks your urine for several factors that could indicate an underlying medical condition. Here’s an example:
Red blood cells
The lab creates a report based on three components.
The test determines whether the urine is clear, cloudy and concentrated and its color.
Chemical tests contain information on bilirubin, blood, ketones, proteins and glucose.
The presence of bacteria is examined under a microscope.
Ideally, a urine sample is taken from the urine produced in the morning. Since this urine is more concentrated than other urine produced in a day, it may indicate an abnormality if abnormal.
If the urine test shows abnormalities, your doctor may order a more targeted test. These tests is an include blood and urine tests. They try to determine the type of bacteria in the urine.
Additionally, a complete blood count (CBC) or complete metabolic panel can help your doctor determine if your kidneys or liver are working.
Treatment depends on your medical history, symptoms, and results from clinical and other diagnostic tests.