Erectile dysfunction – Every woman should know about it

Erectile dysfunction - Every woman should know about it

Erectile dysfunction – Every woman should know about it, Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common not only in older men, but also in some younger men. There are many physical and spiritual reasons.

However, it’s the women who blame themselves for not being able to turn against their partner who may be to blame.

Going to the doctor is something anyone with erectile dysfunction should do. As embarrassing as it may be, an underlying health condition can go undetected.

Before erectile dysfunction affects your relationships and emotions, read below (with your partner) to find out what women need to know about erectile dysfunction.

What women need to know

The more you and your partner know about erectile dysfunction, the better you can deal with this sexual problem together.

Erectile dysfunction is common. About a 20% chance of not getting an erection is normal. True erectile dysfunction affects about 1 in 10 men and half of men over 50 at some point in their lives.

Erectile dysfunction is not a normal part of aging. Erectile dysfunction increases with age, but older men may experience a decrease in erection quality and an increase in the time between erections. You may need more stimulation but have an enjoyable sex life.

Erectile dysfunction is treatable. In most cases, help for erectile dysfunction is readily available and effective. Treatment options include medications taken by mouth or injection, sex therapy, sexual aids, and surgery.

Women also have sexual problems. Up to 70% of couples experience sexual health problems occasionally. Women can experience loss of libido, arousal problems, and can even experience pain during sex. These sexual problems also need to be addressed.

How women deal with their partner’s erectile dysfunction

If your partner is struggling with erectile dysfunction, the most important piece of coping advice is communication. The following steps can help.

Educate yourself. Knowing the causes of erectile dysfunction and the treatment options available can help you choose what works best for both of you. See a doctor and ask questions together with your partner. Plays an active role in the therapeutic process.

know it’s not you Many women, especially older women, can feel like they’re part of the problem and take it personally. In most cases, there are physical or emotional reasons for erectile dysfunction that have nothing to do with you.

Be positive. Getting a partner to talk openly about erectile dysfunction and do something about it is the most important part of the battle. Positive feedback is more important than finger pointing.

Flexible. Try other ways to have sex and experience intimacy. Find a sexual technique that you both enjoy and take the pressure off your performance. Don’t assume your partner knows what you want or that you know what they want.

Let’s adopt a healthy lifestyle together. One of the best ways to deal with erectile dysfunction is to make positive lifestyle changes. Simple things like quitting smoking, finding ways to reduce stress and exercising more are good for both of you and are great for reducing erectile dysfunction symptoms.

Don’t blame your male partner!

Never forget that your partner is not responsible for this. You have to put yourself in their shoes to understand how they feel about the emergency situation. He may also be upset and anxious. People with erectile dysfunction often experience a loss of confidence and self-esteem due to poor performance. So instead of blaming your partner, think about ways to deal with erectile dysfunction. Your emotional support can be very helpful for your partner.

PDE5 inhibitors such as Cenforce 200, Vidalista 40 and Fildena 100 can also increase sexual response when you are feeling stressed or worried about your performance. It may not fix the root cause of the problem. According to Dr. Berglund, we only give patients PDE5 inhibitors on a whim while we treat erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem that affects both partners in a relationship, and the best way to manage and address it is to work together to find solutions. Open and honest communication is the key to good sex. The foundation of relationships.