Hearing loss (presbycusis), which develops slowly with age, is common. About a third of people aged 64-75 in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. If you are over 75 years old, this is about every second.
Three types to define Hearing loss:
Conductive (including outer or middle ear)
Sensory nerves (including the inner ear)
Mixed (combination of both)
Both aging and chronic exposure to loud noises contribute to hearing loss. Other factors, such as excess earwax, can temporarily reduce the sound quality of the ear.
Almost all types of hearing loss are irreparable. However, you and your doctor or hearing care professional can take steps to improve what you hear.
Signs and symptoms of hearing loss include:
Turn off voice and other sounds
Difficulty understanding words, especially in the background and in a crowd
Problems listening to consonants
Often ask others to speak louder, slower and more clearly
Increase the volume of your TV or radio
Avoid the conversation
Decision of any social composition
Risk factors
Factors that can damage or lose hair and nerve cells in the inner ear include:
Aging. Over time, the structure of the inner ear degenerates.
Loud. Exposure to loud noises can damage the cells in the inner ear. Damage can be caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises such as gunshots or short noises.
Heredity. Your genetic makeup can make you more susceptible to hearing loss and age-related disorders caused by sound.
About the noise. Work in which noise is an important part of the work environment, such as agriculture, construction, and factory work, can damage the inner ear.
Recreational noise. Exposure to explosive sounds, such as the sounds of firearms and jet engines, can cause immediate, permanent hearing loss. Other activities with dangerously high levels of noise include snowmobiling, motorcycle riding, woodworking, or listening to loud music.
Some medications. Medicines such as the antibiotic gentamicin, Viagra, and certain chemicals can damage the inner ear. Temporary hearing impairment (tinnitus (tinnitus) or hearing loss) can occur with very high doses of aspirin, other pain relievers, antimalarial drugs, or loop diuretics.
Some illnesses. Diseases or illnesses that cause high fever, such as meningitis, can damage the cochlea.
Medicine and Surgery
Medicines and surgery can help maximize hearing. This specifically addresses anterior hearing loss or hearing loss affecting a part of the outer ear or a part of it that is not functioning properly.
The type of pre-hearing can be caused by a chronic ear infection. Chronic ear infections are the accumulation of fluid behind the tympanic membrane inside. Most ear infections are treated with medications or gaze. Infectious diseases that have not been improved by drugs can be treated with a simple operation of inserting a small tube into the tympanic membrane to drain the body fluid.
Another type of pre-hearing occurs due to the abnormal formation of snails and / or within the baby growing in the womb. It is necessary to work in this external in order for the sound to be correctly transmitted into the middle ear. If any of these parts are not formed properly, it can cause hearing loss in the ear. This problem can be resolved surgically and can be further corrected. Ear, nose and throat doctors (otolaryngologists) are generally medical professionals who deal with this problem.
Placement surgery for artificial inner ears, brain stem hearing aids, or bone fixation hearing aids is required.