Watching porn can be the reason for ED

Watching porn can be the reason for ED | Genericpharmamall

Does watching porn can be the reason for erectile dysfunction?

Watching porn can be the reason for ED, Pornography and erectile dysfunction have become a serious topic of debate, with health experts claiming it can lead to increased erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, watching it with a partner can increase intimacy between couples. However, according to a new study published on July 16, 2020, watching videos for hours on end can cause health problems and can also lead to erectile dysfunction, which can cause men to get erections over time and can lose the ability to obtain and maintain

Erectile dysfunction and porn

Pornography is a controversial subject and raises moral questions for many. Nevertheless, porn use is ubiquitous.

One study found that more than half of a sample of college students reported watching pornography. Over the past 10-15 years, online porn streaming sites have proliferated, and services were launched around 2006, making porn even more popular.

Shortly after these “p*rn tube” sites became popular, researchers noticed that erectile dysfunction was becoming more common among young people. Around 2000, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in men under 40 was around 2-5%. In 2011, studies reported that between 14% and 28% of men under 40 suffered from erectile dysfunction.2

It is important to note that this correlation does not necessarily mean that porn use is the cause of erectile dysfunction. However, researchers are investigating the link between pornography and erectile dysfunction.

Is porn bad or good?

Well, no study can conclusively prove whether watching porn is bad or good, but it is something worth studying.

A porn-based study published in JAMA Psychiatry reports a link between porn and erectile dysfunction, with low levels of gray matter in specific areas of the brain that reward sensitivity. On the other hand, excessive use can also reduce your responsiveness and feelings towards erotic videos and photos.

Another study conducted by Physiology Today found that regular porn use can lead to separation from sexual activity. This means that what excites people online may not work in real life. As such, it can lead to porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

The more porn you watch, the higher the rate of erectile dysfunction

The study is the result of a survey of 3,267 men who answered 118 questions about their sexual habits, including masturbation, frequency of pornography viewing, and sexual activity with a partner. The research team found that all participants averaged around 69 minutes of porn viewing time per week.

A comparison of porn viewing volume and the experience of erectile dysfunction found that 30% of people under 35 who watched 300 minutes a week had erectile dysfunction, compared to 10% of those who watched under 30. minutes had figured out erectile dysfunction. In the group of 35-45-year-olds who watched 300 minutes a week, 40% suffered from erectile dysfunction. However, in general, only 5% of participants watched for more than 300 minutes.

Surprising results for young men and ED

There was a negative trend line between time spent staring and erectile function after having s*x with a partner. The correlation was strongest for the youngest age group, those under 35. In fact, the under 35 groups had more erectile dysfunction than expected, about 23 percent.”

Also readImprove Erectile Dysfunctions? | Symptoms | Causes |Diagnostics | Treatment

Treatment options

The AASECT-American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counsellors, and Therapists says there is not enough scientific evidence to support the existence of pornography or sex addiction. Additionally, they also say that any effort to address issues, including those related to pornography, should be considered non-pathological.

According to AASECT, most attempts to treat porn addiction can be harmful, so people with erectile dysfunction should consult a professional doctor when seeking effective treatments. It is important to consider the psychological aspects and physical erectile dysfunction.

The optimal treatment depends on the underlying cause of erectile or sexual dysfunction. If you have performance anxiety issues, relaxation exercises, therapy, and a good partner can help. Some people find this helpful. Other treatment options available for this are:

  • Penis implant
  • Drug ED. Erectile dysfunction drugs such as Vidalista black 80 Cialis and Viagra are now available online.
  • The penis pumps blood into the penile cavity for a full erection.
  • Surgery to treat prostate disease or anatomical problems.

If you have problems with erectile function, don’t think too much about consulting your doctor. Excessive pornography use can lead to this. However, pushing yourself to the limit can increase your libido and allow you to enjoy good sex life. But the good thing is that the condition is treatable. Your doctor can suggest effective treatments for erectile dysfunction. Plus, understanding the health benefits of sex can make you want to spend more time with your partner instead of watching porn.

How can I prevent this?

Is porn and erectile dysfunction treatable or reversible Well, breaking the cycle can be very difficult. However, there are ways to avoid this.

1. Try to quit watching porn

Stop watching porn for a few days and see what happens. Experts say it helps establish healthy sexual relationships. It turns out that most people who watch it regularly don’t like meeting other people or hanging up.

2. Use erectile dysfunction drugs

If you have ever been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, don’t worry, use natural erection supplements such as Kamagra Oral Jelly and Cenforce 200 to treat porn-induced erectile dysfunction.

3. Use a porn blocking tool

If your partner has this problem, you need to set a complex password on your computer. Additionally, you can use porn site blocking software to block all sites with porn content.

4. Think about why you shouldn’t do this

Watching more porn can reduce your interest in finding a mate or partner. Also, it can affect your relationship and reduce your self-confidence. So, watch porn. Consider all of these things to motivate yourself to quit.

5. Get professional help

You can also work with a professional and experienced sex therapist to resolve this issue. Applying different types of treatments can help you regain lost confidence.

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